miércoles, 4 de septiembre de 2019

Tintin: Stock de coque. Script

You can see the chapter here.

Tintin: The red sharks sea. Script

Tintin: Did you enjoy the film, Captain?

Haddock: So, so... The chap who played the lead is a good actor.

Tintin: He looked a lot like our old friend General Alcázar.

Haddock: The ending was far too improbable. I can't believe things like that really happen. You think about someone and then he pops on the street corner, just like that? When? Look here, you misguided missile! Can you watch where you're going?

Tintin: General Alcázar!

Alcázar: Eh… Yes... Uh...

Tintin: It's extraordinary! Imagine! The Captain and I were just talking about you.

Alcázar: About me?

Tintin: What are you doing here?

Alcázar: Me? I travel… For... Excuse me, please. Mucho hurry. Late for appointment.

Alcázar: Where can we get in touch with you, General?

Alcázar: Hotel Bristol. Adiós, amigos.

Haddock: Not very chatty, is he?

Tintin: Uhm… Strange… Ups! What's this? It's the general's wallet. He must have dropped it when you bumped into him. Hurry! Maybe we can find him!

Haddock: I'd say the General has vamoosed.

Tintin: Are you sure? Look! He's a fairly heavy-built man with a small moustache.

Man: No sir, I'm terrible sorry. I've never seen the gentleman.

Tintin: That's strange… Why wouldn't he tell us where he was really staying?

Haddock: Hey! Why is the door open?

Tintin: Snowy? Poor Snowy… Who's done this to you?

Haddock: By thunder! I'll get to the bottom of this. Billions of blue blistering barnacles!

Tintin: Captain! Are you all right?

Haddock: Who's the thunder son of the sea gherkin who did that? Nestor! Nes… Aaaaaah!

Tintin: Abdullah!

Haddock: Abdullah? Blistering barnacles!

Abdullah: Blistering barnacles! Blistering barnacles! Do it again, blistering barnacles! Do it again!

Haddock: You young ruffian, what are you doing here?

Andullah: Wait, blistering barnacles. I have a present for you.

Haddock: A present for me? Dear little fellow.

Andullah: It's for you, blistering barnacles. From me.

Haddock: Thank you, Abdullah. You really shouldn't have. A cuckoo clock!

Tintin: It's beautiful!

Haddock: It's magnificent!

Abdullah: To wind it up, you do this.

Haddock: Blue blistering thundering typhoons! You won't get away with this!

Hassim: You stop! Touch not the son of my master! I am Hassim, servant to his Highness Prince Abdullah. I bring you a message from my master.

Tintin: "My dear friends, I entrust to you my beloved son Abdullah. For here, his life is in danger. Should misfortune befall me, as the falcon springs on the innoent gazelle. I count on you, my friend, to provide Abdullah with the warm and care he requires. May peace be with you and all members of your household. Sign: Emir Ben Kalish Ezab.

Haddock: What! You little brat! I'm gonna teach you a lesson!

Nestor: Oh, sir, it's dreadful!

Haddock: Later, Nestor! Later!!

Nestor: But, sir, all those foreign persons are in the stare room, sir.

Tintin: You'll feel better after a cup of coffee, Captain.

Haddock: No, thanks. I have to watch my nerves. That little monster will be up in a moment. Oh, no! Abdullah is coming!

Haddock and Tintin: Professor Calculus?

Haddock: Blistering barnacles! I have enough problems in this house without you rolling around like some out of control freight train!

Professor: Rain? No, it's a splendid morning for a stroll. Well, that's what I thought I was doing. Ah! I see breakfast is served.

Haddock: Cuthbert! Why don't you take these infernal things off before you really hurt yourself? Nestor, will you answer that door?

Nestor: Begging your pardon, sir, but the young foreign gentleman of your guest, sir, finds rather amusing to ring the doorbell again and again and run off as soon as I open it.

Haddock: Abdullah has gone to far. Nestor, fetch me the garden hose. Okay, open it.

T&T: Good morning.

Tintin: What can I do for you, detectives?

T&T: We will brief and to the point. Tell us everything you know about General Alcázar.

Tintin: General Alcázar? Well… Uh... I knew him when he was president of San Teodoros. Then he was deposed by General Tapioca in a coup. Then he staged the counter-coup and took it back. And that's all!

T&T: That's all, is it? And what did he tell you last night when you met up with him to be precise?

Tintin: Last night?

T&T: Surprised you, didn't we?

Tintin: Well, it's true. We met up last night. He seemed to be in a big hurry… Oh! And he told us he was staying at...

T&T: The hotel Excelsior. We know that too.

Tintin: Excelsior, uh? Well, can't keep anything from you two. But why are you asking about Alcázar? What's he done?

T&T: What's he done? My dear fellow, if you imagine we tell you that he's smuggling air craft, you are much mistaken, or that we tell you that General Alcázar is mounting a counterrevolution after Tapioca redeposed him,  you can forget it! Mum's the word! That's our motto! Well said, Thompson. Thank you, Thomson. Good bye, Tintin.

Tintin: Thanks for the information.

Man: General Alcázar? Yes, sir, I think you'll fing him lounge.

Tintin: That man that Alcázar's with I know him. His name is Dawson, I had a run-in with him in Chine. He's obviously move into arms dealing. Ah! Thompson and Thomson are here too. Captain, give this back to the General.

Haddock: Right-o!

Tintin: I'm going to follow Dawson. I'll see you back at Marlinspike. Taxi! Follow that black Jaguar. Wait here and keep the engine running.

Man: Morning, guv! Seen today's paper?

Dawson: Ah, very good! I see those plains we sold to Mull Pasha did a great job. He'll be rid of the Emir in no time. Now Alcázar has got his plains, we can overthrow Tapioca once and for all.

Tintin: Abdullah! That little pest!

Man: What's this?

Antoher man: It was a young lad with a white dog.

Dawson: What? Tintin!

Voice on radio: We will bring you further developments on the coup d'état Khemed as they become available to us. In other news Mull Pasha's forces had taken control of the city of Wadesdah, the Emir Ben Kalish Ezab is missing and feared dead. Information is difficult to obtain this time.

Tintin: Poor Abdullah. Hey! Abdullah! He's too young to realize how serious things are.

Haddock: Blue blistering barnacles! That little pest! The plague! That's it! He goes back to his father now!

Tintin: It's too late, Captain. The emir has been overthrown in a coup d'état.

Haddock: That's just great! There is no way we can send him back now.

Tintin: But there's nothing to keep us from going away.

Haddock: Tintin, you're a genious. But where?

Tintin: To Khemed!

Haddock: Ah, yes! Good! What?! In the middle of a revolution? No, thanks. I'll take my chances with the kid. Let's pack.

Dawson: Mull Pasha? Dawson here. You should expect a visit from Tintin.

Müller: Put this in the baggage compartment once everyone is off the plane.

Man: Passports, please, gentlemen. I'm sorry, you have no permit to stay in Khemed.

Haddock: What?

Man: You must reboard the plane and return to Beirut.

Haddock: Blistering barnacles! There's nothing wrong with our papers. What sort of yarn is that?

Man: It is done Mull Pasha

Müller: Excellent. Bon voyage, Tintin.

Haddock: Another eternity in this flying coffin. Rattling about like dice. I wonder what sort of trouble Will drop on us next. Thundering typhoons! Everything happens to me!

Tintin: Captain, are you okay?

Haddock: Tintin, I'm very nerve on this

Tintin: You know, Captain, I'll bet this Mull Pasha character has something to do with our being told to leave with … What's the matter, Snowy? What is it?

Man: Fire! We're on fire!

Pilot: Wadesdah tower! Wadesdah tower! This is Khozd! Starboard motor on fire. We're turning back, trying for an emergency landing at Wedesdah. Port engine misfiring! We're losing altitude!

Tintin: Snowy! This is no time for games.

Man: Give me a parachute!

Pilot: Please, sir, just go and sit down.

Man: I tell you I demand a parachute.

Haddock: Now, look here young fellow.

Pilot: Thanks, lad. Tell everyone to hold on tight. I'm going to try to land. Well, the fire's out, but we'd better move into the shade while we wait for a rescue party.

Pilot 2: Wadesdah is only 50 kilometers away. We won't have to wait long for them to find us.

Tintin: Listen, Captain. If they take us back to Wadesdah, we'll just be expelled again. I think we should sneak back in on our own.

Haddock: What? 50 kilometers on foot?

Tintin: It's our only hope of finding the Emir. All right, Snowy. I'm coming! I'll be right back, Snowy is determined to show me something.

Haddock: 50 kilometers… In this heat. I could sure go for a cigar right about now. Even one of Abdullah's exploiding cigars. Tintin! Tintin!! Tintin, are you all right?

Tintin: Snowy… Where's Snowy? Snowy, good old Snowy. You sensed danger, didn't you? And you tried to warn me and I just thought you wanna to play. That had to be a time bomb, Captain, and I'll bet it was intended for us.

Haddock: Wadesdah will be crawling with solders.

Tintin: And so will this crash site when Mull Pasha finds out we weren't blown in bits by his bomb. Let's go. I've got a friend in Wadesdah: Oliveira da Figueroa. He'll hide us. Okay, Captain, they're gone. Now let's find Oliveira's. Captain? Come on, stay awake! It's just down this alley. Senhor Oliveira. Senhor Oliveira!

Oliveira: Tintin! Come inside! Quickly!

Haddock: What?

Oliveira: There's a pretty heavy price on your heads, my friends.

Tintin: You can bet Mull Pasha is behind that.

Oliveira: Also known as Dr. Müller.

Tintin: Dr. Müller? So once again I'm up against that scoundrel. What's his involment in this whole mess?

Oliveira: Let me bring you up to date on the situation. A few months ago, Wadesdah became a major link in the air routes of Arab Air. Then, when the Emir found out that Arab Air was being used for some pretty nasty illegal traffic, he canceled the deal.

Tintin: And I'll bet that's when all the political unrest flared up.

Oliveira: Exactly! Heavily founded by someone as yet unknown, Mull Pasha mounted a coup and force the Emir into hiding.

Haddock: Ah!

Tintin: Captain!

Haddock: I was sinking?

Tintin: No, Captain, you just set your beard on fire. I Heard the Emir was feared dead.

Oliveira: No, he is hiding in the Djebel mountains.

Tintin: We absolutely have to get to him. For his son's sake.

Oliveira: First do we get some sleep. Tomorrow I will find the way for you to leave the city and join the Emir.

Haddock:Thundering typhoons…

Tintin: That was close…

Haddock: Blistering barnacles, now we're in trouble.

Tintin: Quick! There is our guide!

Müller: Mull Pasha here. Order the escort of Mosquitos to take off immediately. Their mission? To wipe out a party of three horsemen who have left Wadesdah and are heading for the Djebel mountains.

Mosquito: Dust cloud at ten o'clock. Must be them.

Müller: There they are. Got you now, Tintin!

Mosquito: Ready to fire!

Müller: Fire! Fire!

Mosquito: Mission accomplished!

Müller: Bungling oafs! You'll be court-martialed! Dismissed! Reduced to ranks! I'll have you shot!

Soldier: Hold!

Guide: Donpt shoot. We're friends. The dogs bark, the camels passed, friends. These strangers had come to see the Emir.

Soldier: All right. Come this way.

Tintin: Wow!

Haddock: Incredible!

Tintin: A whole city carved eight out of the rock!

Emir: Tintin! Captain! You, here! It's unbelievable! But what about my son? My precious darling, where is he?

Tintin: Rest asured, your Highness. He is in good hands at Marlinspike

Emir: Thank you, Tintin. Your help is precious to me. The resistance movement is growing and soon I will throw out that slimy serpent of Müller, but of course Müller is just a front to keep us from seeing the real culprit: Di Gorgonzola.

Tintin: Di Gorgonzola? The famous millionaire?

Emir: He owns Arab Air, which he uses to smuggle illegal refugees for astronomical feeds. That mangy dog! As long as the international crook run scot-free, peace will be nothing but an illusion.

Tintin: We have to stop them somehow.

Emir: It will be difficult. Gorgonzola is very rich and very powerful. By Allah, let us hope your dog has not gone near Ayesha.

Tintin: Snowy! Yeiks! Calm down, Snowy. You see, your Highness? The powerful ones don't always get the last word.

Haddock: Are you still worried about Mull Pasha soldiers?

Tintin: I'm just don't think they're goint to give up that easily. It took three days to arrange this boat, so they must know by now that we're heading out to sea.

Haddock: What a pessimist you are, Tintin. What do you think they'll do, send a squadron of battle ships after us?

Tintin: Well, not quite, but… Wait… Listen!

Haddock: Thundering typhoons! He's coming right for us! Hit the deck! Bandits! Pirates! Gangsters! Assassins!

Tintin: It's him or us this time. Look out! Got him!

Haddock: Ha ha ha! Good shooting, Tintin!

Tintin: Captain, what happened?

Haddock: I don't know… Some cowardly rat attacked me from behind.

Tintin: Look out!

Haddock: My "dose"!

Tintin: Sorry. Come on. There's no time to lose. We've got to build some kind of raft fast before the whole thing goes up in flames!

Gorgonzola: May I have the pleasure of this samba, Princess?

Princess: But of course, Marquis!

Captain: Excuse me, my lord, there is a radio call for you. It's urgent!

Gorgonzola: Awfully sorry, dear lady. Business, always business! I am indeed a veritable slave.

Princess: Don't give it another thought, Marquis.

Man: The Marquis Di Gorgonzola is a true gentleman.

Another man: Naturally, malicious tongues spread rumors that he has a shady past.

Gorgonzola: Alo? Sheherezade to Blue Goat. I'm listening.

Blue Goat: This is Blue Goat: powerful Mosquito has stung insects pest 1 and 2. Over.

Gorgonzola: Message understood. Over and out! Ha ha ha!

Haddock: Millions of blue blistering barnacles! We've saved two cases of provisions and no can opener! It's enough to drive you crazy!

Skut: Hey! Over here!

Tintin: There! It's the Mosquito pilot we shot down!

Haddock: So??? Let him take care of himself.

Skut: Hey! Help! Help me!

Tintin: Piotr Skut! I don't believe it's you!

Skut: I am... I am sorry.

Haddock: Sorry? Sorry?! You trigger-happy thug! Who put you up to this?

Skut: I...

Haddock: Speak up, you blithering bombardier or I'll deflate you.

Tintin: Captain!

Skut: Mull Pasha! he gave the orders, but I think his orders come from Di Grgonzola.

Tintin: Di Gorgonzola?

Skut: Please, careful with knife!

Tintin: So, tell me, Skut. Why were you shooting on us?

Skut: I take the job with Arab military, they tell me about these gunrunners and to sink you. I am sorry!

Tintin: Well, never mind. The important thing now is to survive. Try to drink some seawater.

Haddock: Never! That's salt water!

Tintin: Really, Captain, it's not all that bad.

Haddock: Are you out of your mind? You should never drink that. It's full of plankton that the fish eat.

Skut: This not good.

Haddock: Yahoo! There! A ship! We're saved! Just when you'd swallowed that liquid fish food.

Skut and Tintin: Hey! Over here!

Skut: The ship! She not see us…

Tintin: We've got to get their attention. Has anyone a mirror?

Skut: You want coat too?

Tintin: No, thanks! Just a mirror.

Haddock: Well done, sailor!

Captain: There, my lord! Shipwreck survivors! Three men and a little dog.

Gorgonzola: Tintin's alive!

Captain: Should I alter course, sir?

Gorgonzola: A waste of time. Proceed on course. And not a Word to the passengers, understood?

Man: Yoohoo! Marquis!

Woman: Marquis! Where are you?

Man: The castaways, my dear fellow, out there on the raft.

Woman: How madly romantic!

Gorgonzola: Yes, isn't it exciting? I've just given the order to pick them up.

Captain: But I...

Gorgonzola: Pick them up.

Captain: Yes, sir.

Woman: Oh, how gorgeous! I've always dreamed of seeing real castaways.

Skut, Tintin and Haddock: Hurray!

Gorgonzola: Parker, those people are not to have any contact with my guests. My name is not to be mentioned in front of them. Understand?

Castafiore: Can I believe my eyes? It's Tintin and his friend, the deep-sea fisherman Paddock! Art embrace the children of adventure.

Haddock: Castafiore?

Castafiore: On behalf of Marquis Di Gorgonzola.

Tintin: Gorgonzola!

Castafiore: Allow me to welcomeyou board the Sheherezade, carissimo mio.

Haddock: Let's hop back on the raft.

Castafiore: My dear Tintin and Captain Harrock.

Haddock: Harrock'n roll, signora Castaoily.

Captain: I'm sorry, signora, but his lordship has given orders. There is to be no cntact with the castaways. Risk of infection, you know.

Castafiore: My good man, I am not ill.

Gorgonzola: I must get rid of Tintin. I'm calling the Ramona. This is Rastapopoulos.

Allan: Ramona here. What's up, boss?

Rastapopoulos: Allan, set a course for my yacht immediately, I have some passengers for you.

Captain: Get dressed quickly! You're in luck: the freight of Ramona has agreed to carry to land.

Tintin: Uhm... Good. Fine I'm coming.

Woman: Our castaways! They're leaving!

Rastapopoulos: I wish you a pleasant journey, my dear friends.

Haddock: Ah, this is the place for me, back aboard a good old freighter.

Man: Here you two, these are your quarters.

Haddock: Why separate us? There's room for three here. Right Skut? Hey! Open up, you little manner savages! Open up!

Allan: Well, well, well…

Tintin and Haddock: Allan!

Allan: This is a happy reunion, isn't it? You old bottlenose. We must have a drink on it.

Tintin: What's going on? What are you doing here?

Allan: You still haven't figured it out, uh? I command this vessel and I work for Di Gorgonzola. My orders are to put you ashore at Wadesdah.

Haddock: That's murder. There's a price on our heads!

Allan: You're breaking my heart. But here, let's drink to my health.

Haddock: Not a chance! I don't drink with Di Gorgonzola's monkeys!

Allan: Suit yourself, but I'll just leave the bottle to console you. Well, bye for now. Sleep tight. Oh, by the way: you sleep under or over the sheet?

Haddock: Over? Not that way. Under? Blistering barnacles! Not that way either. Ah, who needs blankets? It's too hard anyway.

Allan: Pull, boys, pull! She'll blow any minute now.

Haddock: There. I'm already sleep. Too hot. Too hot. Assembly signal? Shake a leg there! All hands on deck!

Tintin: What's the matter, Captain.

Haddock: Get up and give me a hand!

Tintin: What are you doing? Well, it's great to be free, but, why the panic?

Haddock: Something's wrong. It's too quiet.

Tintin: Quick! Let's see what's happening.

Haddock: Thundering typhoons! The ship's on fire! Pirates! Filibusters! Salt water savages!

Allan: Eighteen tons of high explosives. It'll make a pretty Fireworks display.

Haddock: Hurry! We have to find a raft or something and get out of this tub.

Tintin: Who in the world could be down there?

Slave: Help! Please! Get us out!

Tintin: Let's get them out of there!

Haddock: Right!

Tintin: Hurry everyone! Hurry! This ship's on fire!

Haddock: You heard him! Move it!

Man: We must help put it out! Over here! Hurry!

Tintin: Explosives! Captain! Everybody! Over here!

Haddock: We almost got it beat!

Allan: What gives? Fire's gone out! Bring her about, boys!

Man: You saved our lives! How can we ever repay you?

Tintin: You can tell me why you were locked in that hole for starters.

Man: We are refugees. The men on this boat promised to take us to America. We paid them all we had. Our life savings.

Another man: Look! They are coming back!

Tintin: Captain! D'you think you can get the engines running?

Haddock: I'll need men for the stroke room.

Allan: Pull, boys, pull!

Man: Valve closed, Captain.

Haddock: Open valve two. Pour on the coal! Tintin, take the Wheel on!

Allan: Come on! Row! Row! What? She's pulling away!

Haddock: I don't know how we did it, but she is under way at last. Thanks to our crew. I'll send a distress signal! What? Skut! Say something!

Skut: You! Hurry! Escape! The fire! Explosives!

Tintin: lt's okay, Skut. The fire's out. But what happened to you? 

Skut: They try to make me go with them, but l refuse.Not without you. They then get angry and knocked me out.

Man: Come in, Ramona. This is Red Sea Shark, this is Red Sea Shark!

Skut: It's Di Gorgonzola's submarine.

Tintin: Submarine?

Skut: Ramona here. Come in, Shark. Come in, Shark.

Man: Finally! What's going on? I've been trying to reach you for hours.

Skut: Receiver was broken. But it's okay now.

Man: A sambuk is waiting for you at the usual place to pick up the cargo and your

Skut: Message received loud and clear, Shark, over and out.

Tintin: Is there any cargo on board, Captain?

Haddock: I've thoroughly inspected the ship and all the holds are empty except for the refugees.

Tintin: That's it! The cargois refugees and I'll bet those Sharks don't intend to take them to America either. They've already got their money. They probably intend to just dump them at sea! Captain, we'd better tell those people out there.

Skut: I'll send out an SOS. SOS! SOS! The Ramona needs help. SOS. This is the Ramona. We need immediate assistance.

Rastapopoulos: What? The Ramona is still afloat? That means Tintin must be still alive!

Man: This is the battleship US Los Angeles to Ramona. Your SOS received.

Rastapopoulos: So the navy's butting in on our little business. Well, it's not going to help Tintin. Calling Red Sea Shark. You must liquidate the Ramona.

Haddock: You musn't worry. We know who the guilty party is. As soon as we're all safe, believe me, he will be brought to justice!

Skut: Help arriving soon! USS Los Angeles, she is three hours away.

Haddock: Tintin! Come and see this!

Tintin: What is it, Captain?

Haddock: Have a look.

Tintin: Wow! Flying fish! Beautiful! Oh, no! Captain!

Haddock: Take it easy, Tintin. It's only a peris... peris...

Tintin: A Periscope headed straight for us!

Haddock: Battle stations! Clear the decks! Woman and children first!

Tintin: Calm down, Captain. 

Haddock: I'm perfectly calm. Tintin, you man the radio. Skut, you're at the wheel.

Tintin: Aye, aye, Captain!

Man: Stand by. Numer 1 tube.

Another man: Stand by number 1 tube.

Man: Number 1 tube. Fire!

Another man: Fire number 1!

Haddock: Torpedo to port! Hard-a-starboard!

Skut: Hard-a-starboard!

Man: Curses on them! They've swung away! Starboard 20 degrees. Speed 6 knots! Stand by, numer 2 tube.

Tintin: SOS! SOS! Ramona calling USS Los Angeles. We are being attacked by a submarine

USS Los Angeles: Message received, Ramona. We are coming to your assistance. Hold steady.

Rastapopoulos: Go ahead, Tintin. Call for help all you like You'll be shark bait long before help arrives.

Haddock: Thundering typhoons! Another torpedo to starboard. Full speed ahead! Billions of blue blistering barnacles! We're stuck in reverse! Infernal machine!

Man: Curse them again! They're going astern! They're tough those bys! Ready! Tubes 1 and 4! Still going astern. We've got them this time!

Haddock: Hello! Hello! Engine room!

Man: Hello? Hello?

Haddock: Too late! They got us!

Tintin: Those are the planes from the USS Los Angeles!

Haddock: Depth charges and I thought we'd been torpedoed

Tintin: Look! We're saved! They're surrendering!

Rastapopoulos: Still no news for Kurt and his submarine! The fools! What are they doing? Hello?

Captain: You'd better come to the bridge right away.

Rastapopoulos: All right! I'm coming!

Captain: It's the USS Los Angeles, sir, ordering to drop anchor.

Rastapopoulos: What impertinence! Stop the engines and launch my personal boat. I'll go myself and tell those insolent cowboys what I think of their manners.

Tintin: It looks like as if… Yes! They're dropping a launch!

Rastapopoulos: No, I insist, my friends. I will go alone.

Tintin: Rastapopoulos! He must be the Marquis Di Gorgonzola.

Haddock: Let me have a look at that wretched refugee swindler. Wait! He's sinking!

Woman: Oh! The Marquis! How horrible!

Tintin: I don't believe it. Is he finally gone for good?

Rastapopoulos: Try to catch me now, gentlemen. Ha ha ha ha!

Haddock: Well, what joy to be home again. Listen to those familiar sounds. The gardener mowing the lawn…

Calculus: Welcome back to Marlinspike!

Tintin: That's a funny way to welcome people home, Professor.

Calculus: Welcome back to Marlinspike, gentlemen.

Haddock: What on earth are those contraptions?

Calculus: Oh, no. On the contrary, I think that they are the solution to the terrible traffic problems in our modern cities. They're handy, lightweight, flexible...

Haddock: Fine! Fine! But where's Abdullah? 

Calculus: You wouldn't believe it: 40 mph.

Nestor: Oh, sir. I'm so glad to see you back.

Haddock: Nestor? What's happened to you?

Nestor: I... I'm afraid master Abdullah's visit was not very good for me, sir. But he's gone now. He left you a note.

Man on TV: And the Emir Ben Kalish Ezab is in power once again bringing political stability back to Khemed and ending the ilegal smuggling of refugees by the notorious international gangster Rastapopoulos, who's still missing at sea and presumed drowned.

Haddock: "My dear Blistering barnacles, I have been very good. I haven't play any jokes. I am a bit sad to leave, because it was fun at Marlinspike. With love from your friend Abdullah." Isn't that sweet? You know? He wasn't such a bad kid after... Billions of millions of blue blistering barnacles!

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